Hair transplantation with percutaneous technique
It is the technique of placing the roots into the lateral incisions, not into the lateral incisions, but into the round holes, which are opened with fine needles. It helps to achieve the most natural hair appearance with correct angles and correct density (root density at cm²).
In the hair transplantation operations, percutaneous sowing technique is taken in the root and root is not traced areas. Root can be planted with 40-45-50 cm in. Perkutan Teknik ek. Especially at the hairline, the angles come out with narrow angles. The success of hair transplantation is also an important criterion for planting hair with natural angles. In percutaneous technique, hair can be removed with natural angles.
Stem frequency of root cultivation + cm² with right angles in percutaneous hair transplantation operations increases success.
In order to achieve aesthetically satisfactory results, it is necessary to know which density should be sown. Successful hair transplantation is the use of hair roots in the donor area in full efficiency. Scientific studies have shown that even when 50% of the hair is lost in an area, the same aesthetic appearance can be preserved to a great extent. Therefore, the normal thickness of the hair strand is 40-45 cm² in the hair, hair strands in the very thin structure of people in cm² 45-50 can vary depending on the root needs.
In the case of people with thick hair structure, the desired result can be achieved with 35-40 roots. If the hairline is to be sown, single root roots and 65-70 root in cm² will provide a very natural look. Roots that are not sown in sufficient concentration will not appear as dense hair and will not appear natural.
Another important issue as Density is to plant the roots with the right angles suitable for their natural structure. Hair has its own natural angles. In hair transplantation operations, these natural angles should be worked on. Roots that are not sown with the right angles create a bad look.

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